Free Brake Check and $25 savings on most brake services*
Do I need my brakes fixed?
- Brakes are noisy (squeaky, grinding, squealing)
- Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) warning light appears
- Physical indicators like the car jerking, pulling, or vibrating when brakes pressed or if the brake pedal has little resistance when pressed
- Has it been 12 months or 15,000 miles without brakes being checked?
Why choose Babylon Auto?
- We’ll inspect your brakes free of charge (no diagnostic fee)
- Our certified mechanic experts will repair or replace your brake system to prevent further more expensive damages if left un-repaired.
- Replace worn brake pads and brake shoes
- Resurface brake drums and rotors
- Brake fluid check and fulfillment
Get your free brake inspection
* FREE Brake Check Plus Save $25 Instantly on Most Brake Services: Includes a visual inspection of brake pads and rotors, shoes and drums, calipers, wheel cylinders, brake hoses, master cylinder, and brake fluid level. Must present coupon to get this offer. No other discounts apply. May not be used in combination with other coupons. Redeem at participating Babylon Auto Service locations only. Additional repairs or diagnostics may be recommended and charges may apply. Whether you need repairs or further diagnostics performed, we will provide an estimate. See store for complete details. Cash value of 1/50¢.